Science can explain the mysteries of life
Science means the perfect unbiased analysis of all the items and concepts of the imaginable creation. We welcome science as far as the path of the analysis is concerned. At the end, the right conclusion should be drawn and some scientists draw the wrong conclusion, which is in the opposite direction to the right conclusion. Science is like the straight tusk of the tree and these two conclusions are like the two branches generating from the tip of the tusk in the opposite directions. We also travel along the tusk in line with the atheists. We differ from the atheist at the end of the analysis only. Atheists take the direction of the wrong conclusion and we take the direction of the right conclusion. Our right conclusion is that no item of this imaginary creation is God and no concept related to this creation can be the concept of God. The wrong conclusion of the atheists is that nothing exists beyond this imaginable creation and hence God does not exist.
Space is the first item of the creation, which is not the absence of any imaginable item. Space is only very subtle invisible energy. Bend of space spoken in science proves this. There cannot be bending of nothing. God is the generator of this space or subtle energy. Veda says that God is generator of space and in another place says that God is the generator of energy. Both these statements are one and the same since space is subtle energy. The generator of space cannot have space in it. This means that there is no space in God. This results in saying that God is beyond spatial dimensions. We can never imagine that, which has no spatial dimensions. Hence, God is unimaginable.
The atheist may ask proof for the existence of unimaginable and say that unimaginable without proof does not exist. One proof is the existence of unimaginable events called miracles in this world. The atheist may discard this proof saying that the miracle is only magic. The magic looks like miracle but on deep observation and analysis can be disproved. But, there are certain unimaginable events, which cannot be disproved even on deepest observations and deepest analysis. The atheist says that the magic of yesterday called as miracle is proved today and hence all the miracles will be proved as magic by tomorrow. But, this tomorrow never comes since the atheist is not stipulating the time gap for this tomorrow. Yesterday, you could not touch the roof of the house by your hand. Today, you touched the roof by practicing the high jump. Based on this, you are saying that you will continue the practice of high jump and touch the sky by tomorrow. We have experienced the today, which is present after the past yesterday, but this tomorrow is never experienced by us even though we waited up to the end of our life. Your promise of the time gap has utterly failed. The reason is that the sky can never be touched by you. But the roof is touched by you because it is touchable after certain practice.
Today, you can touch the upper horizontal log of the door even without practice. By this, you can conclude three categories: a) touchable today, b) touchable by tomorrow after certain efforts and c) untouchable on any day. The three corresponding items of the creation to the above three categories are: a) visible-imaginable, b) invisible-imaginable and c) invisible-unimaginable. The ordinary person belongs to the first item. The scientist belongs to the second item. The philosopher belongs to the third item.
If you are not willing to accept the genuine miracles, there is one outstanding miracle, which is beyond your understanding. You cannot deny this since it is referred by science as infinity. This creation or universe is infinite with unimaginable boundary. This is practically experienced through not only our eyes but also through your powerful telescopes. You have to accept the existence of unimaginable indicated by the word infinite. This universe is created by God, which is emerged from the God. When you touch the boundary of this imaginable universe, it means, you have touched the unimaginable God. There are only two items here. One is the unimaginable God and the other is the imaginable universe. The joint line between these two items cannot be a third item, which is different from the two items since only two items exist. Hence the end of one item means the beginning of the other item. When you have reached the end of the ocean, you have touched the beginning of the land. Therefore, if you have reached the end of imaginable universe, you must touch the beginning of unimaginable God. Since unimaginable can never be touched by anybody, which is even beyond imagination, it means that you can never reach the end of the imaginable universe. This is a practical scientific example that has to be accepted by any human being as a proof for the existence of the unimaginable, which is called by the word ‘God’ by us.