Science is based on the correspondence theory of truth, which claims that truth corresponds with facts and reality.
Various philosophers have put forth substantive challenges to the truth claims made by science. While science is the best tool to understand the material universe, it has nothing substantive to say about the things that matter most, like love, beauty, and purpose.
yes I agree with you
science is truth in his own way. philosophers act live what they believe sometimes they ignore science facts. science is made by humans
but universe itself is science we just have to see in different perspective.
you said science is the best tool to understand the material universe some how it's right
but my friend planet is material? energy is material?
aura and vibes are material? no! science is truth in some limit and universe has its some rule even science will be shock how is it is.
it has nothing substantive to say about the things that matter most, like love, beauty, and purpose
this all things is the most important for human being just literate person can define this is science in villages unliterate people has thier own life own beliefs they don't understand science so this doesn't means they can't live universe has some rule.