Science:- soil - will it affect the plantation required for particular fiber
The effective management of agricultural ecosystems contributes to both climate change adaptation and
climate change mitigation. It is critical for the sustainable intensification of crop production.
In rural, urban and peri-urban environments, approaches for the sustainable intensification of crop
production that can support climate change adaptation and mitigation include:
the use of quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted varieties;
the cultivation of a diverse suite of crop species and varieties in associations and/or rotations;
the use of integrated pest management practices;
the implementation of conservation agriculture and the adoption of sustainable mechanization to
maintain healthy soils and manage water efficiently.
Adaptation and adoption of climate-smart crop production practices and technologies requires knowledge of
the type and extent of change in the climatic variables that affect crop production; integrated research on
crop, soil and water; and the participation of farmers that needs to be promoted through system-wide
activities to develop capacities.
Crop production and climate change
Yes, the type of soil will affect the plantation required for particular fibres.
- The basis of the food chain is healthy soil.
- The foundation of agriculture and the environment in which almost all plants that produce food are grown are our soils.
- Healthy soils result in nutritious crops that feed both people and animals.
- In fact, the amount and quality of food are directly correlated with soil quality.
- The vital nutrients, water, oxygen, and root support that our food-producing plants require to grow and flourish are provided by soils.
- They also act as a buffer to shield sensitive plant roots from sharp temperature changes.
- The production of wholesome, high-quality food and animal feed depends on healthy, living soils, which are essential for food production.
The growth of plants is affected by the soil type.