Scientific form 1027015247
1.03 x 10 ^ 9
Step-by-step explanation:
there are 10 digits in total so 1.03 and multiply with 10^9
so here is the solution or simple rules
decimal point will always be a after a non zero number from left
it will be represent in the form power 10
usually it is represented in 2 to 3 digits after decimal
then from the left if the digit is greater than 5 we will reduce that digit by increase the digit immediately before that by one
if the the last digit is less than 5 then we will not alter the digit immediate before the last digit and so on.
if last digit is 5 then it depends on the digit immediate before the last digit same rule as above for last digit .
in this case last digit is 7 so 1st we removed 7 and increase 4 to 5
then 2 is less then 5 so we will ignore 5 and 2 then 1 is also less then 5 so ignore that 5 than 0 is also less than 5 so ignore that too. not we left with 1.027 7 is greater than 5 so we will increase 2 to 3 for rounding off.