script for speech expressing your view on Hindi as the national language of India
(1) The official language of the Union shall be Hindi in ... cultural, which should also find its expression in a single speech as ..... crucial
Answer: India is a vast nation. But it is a matter of concern that after fifty years of independence there is no such language which can unite the whole nation. We have our own national song and national flag. We have our national animal tiger, national bird peacock and national flower lotus. But practically we don’t have a national language. There are so many political parties which discourage it due to their selfish motives. They don’t let the national problem to be solved.
As India is a vast nation, so many different languages are spoken here. Many different languages are spoken in different states and many people who speak different languages live here. It causes a great hindrance in uniting the country. So there should be a language that can unite the country as a whole. As per the constitution there are fourteen recognized languages, Hindi as national language. Some political parties have misled the people by showing them the weaknesses of the language Hindi. In Tamil Nadu Hindi was being opposed strongly. As a result, the Central Govt has exempted the state from using this language and they started using English again. Since then Hindi was totally abolished from the throne of national language.
It is argued that as English is considered, to be an international language and is spoken throughout the world, it is convenient for the people of every country to use it. In the same manner one can argue that every country should have its own national language as it links all the states with one another.
India is a country where we find unity in diversity. In our country
fifteen languages are spoken. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Bangla, Oria, Assamee, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu and Sanskrit are recognized languages. But now a day’s Hindi is the only language which is commonly spoken in most parts of our country.
A common language should have some peculiarities as it should be widely spoken and understood in most of the parts of the country. Secondly, it should be rich. It should have an ability to express itself in the subjects of culture, religion, philosophy, literature and science etc. Its vocabulary should be highly rich and vast. It should be easy to follow. Changes in the language should be acceptable according to change in time. Hindi satisfies these conditions. It is accepted even in southern parts of the country. Hindi is very popular in foreign countries, too. Seminars on Hindi language are being organized in foreign countries. In Mauritius Hindi is very popular.
We can make Hindi a National Language by arousing the feelings of national integration.