Science, asked by prathapjollyguy3114, 1 year ago

Script of cleanliness and health hygiene


Answered by Anonymous

Themes: Friendship & SocialTitle: centrality hygienePlayers: 4 peopleCharacterizations: Rini (concerned with cleanliness), lma (health care), !ana (slo"), #ila (idler)$

Drama Synopsis

Rini and lma is a %riend !ana and #ila$ n contrast to Rini and lma, !ana and #ila is a lazy teenager %igre with clean'p$ !ana and #ila hose always loos dirty eery day$ Recognizing these conditions, then Rini and lma trying to adise !ana and #ila$ *lthogh it cold not "e ignored, %inally !ana and #ila sel%'conscios and willing to do what was sggested "y Rini and lma$#ramatic #ialogeRini: noticed yor hose is dirty once, !an+!ana:!eah, so what i% my hose is dirty+ !o lie attention once with my condition$Rini:nstead o% that,  st wanted to remind yo that it is ery important to maintain cleanliness$lma oin the chat connect them "oth$lma:!eah, that-s right what Rini said it$ .oreoer, the cleanliness in the hose, o% corse ery important$!ana also compares the cleanliness o% his hose with his home #ila$!ana:!ana also dirty hose, why do not reprimand #ila$#ila:/hy am  entitled to "e nclde+!ana:The hose yo-re also neer swept$Rini ased !ana wa%%le trth$

Rini:/hat is tre, what is said !ana #il it+lma answered 0estions Rini to #ila$lma:!eah,  noticed #ila is less concerned with cleanliness as well$#ila trying to diert attention$#ila:*nyway, why are we so discss this matter, the "etter we discss something else$Rini: tried the same lma remind yo that yo were more pedl with cleanliness$ 1an-s health "egins with cleanliness, what yo want to get sic "ecase yo are lazy to clean p+lma:!eah, what yo want to later %all ill+#ila tried to arge$#ila:/hy een so sic discssed+ the health o% the %ood, instead o% the cleanliness o% or homes$lma:2% corse not only o% %ood, "t the area arond will also contri"te to or health$Rini:3ery tre what is said lma it$ !o need more care %or cleanliness, or yor hose will "e %illed with the sorce o% the disease$!ana pased st listening to her %riends gie each other %eed"ac$ Rini later reprimanded$Rini:!o why een say anything, !an+!ana:Then  want to say anything else+Rini:!es yo shold listen to i% we are "eing adised yo at #ila$Rini and lma then %arewell with !ana and #ila "ecase there a%%airs$

Rini: stayed was yes, "ecase soon aa want adherents parents play to the hose o% my ant$lma:0ally,  also sed to saying good"ye,  want nothing to do$/hen were alone, #ila and !ana was contemplating what the two %riends had told them "oth$ !ana then as something to #ila$!ana:/hat do yo thin we shold always eep clean+ /hat we shold really care a"ot cleanliness$#ila answer %rom instinct$#ila:*ctally what is said lma and Rini was tre$ Cleanliness is ery important it actally is$!ana:Then why do not yo eer seen the hose clean+#ila:That-s st it,  was lazy$!ana:5t i% it-s %or or own good, why do we hae to "e lazy+#ila:!es, it is tre what yo say$ t was %or the good o% orseles, so we shold not "e lazy to eep clean$!ana:Then+#ila:2ay, %rom now on  will "e more concerned a"ot hygiene$  will "e diligent cleaning my hoseso that there is no disease that stc in my hose$!ana:!eah, -m also going to do the same

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