Script on save marine life
Seas and oceans are hydrological, geochemical and biological reservoirs. Oceans contain much needed biotic resources for man-kind. The rapidly growing human population and settlements in the coastal regions of many countries, exert pressure on the coastal environment and marine resources. The introduction of unwanted substances into the marine environment will result in deleterious effects to the living resources. Polluting the marine waters is a hazard to not only to the marine life but also to the people using the marine food resources. It is a hazard to human health and a hindrance to marine activities including fishing. Marine pollution is a major man-made hazard of the environment, today. The marine pollution comes due to 1. Dumping of sewage into the seas 2. Release of Industrial and agricultural waste 3. Input of Silts from rivers and water courses 5. Use of Oil for transport and oil pollution and 6. impact of Coastal construction and dredging activities. This episode covers the following modules: 1. Causes of Marine Pollution 2. Nature of Pollutants 3. Type of Marine pollution 4. Impact of oil on marine Environment 5. Impact on Marine life.
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