Chemistry, asked by valavanvino13, 1 year ago

sealed tube means ?? please explain​


Answered by shashikantkumar2758


hollow, usually cylindrical body of metal, glass, rubber, or other material, used especially for conveying or containing liquids or gases.

a small, collapsible, cylinder of metal or plastic sealed at one end and having a capped opening at the other from which paint, toothpaste, or some other semifluid substance may be squeezed.

Anatomy, Zoology. any hollow, cylindrical vessel or organ:

the bronchial tubes.


any hollow, elongated body or part.

the united lower portion of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx.

verb (used with object), tubed, tub·ing.

to furnish with a tube or tubes.

to convey or enclose in a tube.

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