Secondary School English 5+3 pts
You are the In-charge of the Medical Section of Gyanodaya Public School , Nehru Vihar , Alwar .
Your stock of medicines is about to finish .Write a letter to the Director of Jambo Medicare ,Delhi
,ordering medical items like glucose , crocin , bandages, tincture , pain-healers, ointments etc. Ask for
discount on bulk order .Invent other necessary details.
Gyanodaya Public School
Nehru Vihar
November 15, 2017
The Director
Jambo Medicare
Subject: Order for medicines
Dear Sir:
I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of medicines for the school infirmary for the academic session 2018-2019. The particulars of the medicines and their quantity to be supplied are given below:| Particulars | Quantity
1.Glucose 100 packets
2.Crocin 1000 pills
3.Bandages 500 pieces
4.Tincture 50 bottles
5.Pain-healers 1000 pills
6.Pain-healer sprays 50 pieces
7.Ointments 50 bottles
Kindly give us maximum discount. Do send us the medicines with latest expiry dates. The payment of these medicines will be digitally made. Do let us know the date by which you will deliver these medicines. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
In-charge Medical Section
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