English, asked by vidyasagams, 8 months ago

secretary of the institution was actively considering to restrict the_____from using their_____phones during duty hours.[personal/personnel] [sell/cell]​


Answered by haribhati128






Directive No. 7.5

Effective Date: 09-27-08

Revision Date:________

Page 1 of 3


On July 1, 2008, California’s new Wireless Telephone Laws went into effect. The law

prohibits drivers from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor

vehicle. All drivers of a motor vehicle are subject to the law except certain emergency

workers and drivers who make an emergency call to a law enforcement agency, a

medical provider, the fire department, or other emergency services agency. Recent

studies have shown that the use of a cell phone, whether hands-free or not, while

driving is a leading cause of accidents among distracted drivers. For this reason, the

Department’s cell phone policy will remain more restrictive than State law.

In light of the new California cell phone law, effective immediately, the Department of

Aging has adopted a new “Cell Phone/Hand Held Device Use Policy”, staff are

prohibited from using cell phones or PDAs (personal or City owned) while driving on

City business and/or City time. Please note that the policy does NOT allow for use even

if a hands-free device is used. Anyone who is found to be in violation of the policy may

be subject to disciplinary action

This policy outlines the use of personal cell phones at work, the personal use of City

assigned cell phones, and the safe use of cell phones by employees. Failure to follow

the guidance provided may result in disciplinary action.

Under the policy, employees are required to avoid using a Department-provided and

personal cell phone while operating a motor vehicle while conducting City business. All

employees are subject to this requirement except emergency response personnel, e.g.,

police, fire, traffic enforcement, environmental health and safety, health care, and

disaster response personnel, including facilities management personnel who may use a

cellular telephone for emergency purposes.

1. Personal Cellular Phones

While at work employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using

personal cellular phones as is expected for the use of office phones. Personal calls

during the work hours, regardless of the phone used can interfere with employee

productivity, safety and be distracting to others. Employees are directed to make

personal calls during breaks and lunch period and to ensure that friends and family

members are aware of the department's policy. The department will not be liable for the

loss of personal cellular phones brought into the workplace. Employees are not

authorized to use personal cell phones in place of department provided communication

Answered by pelletiavinash1




sorry bro can answer only for this i can't expkain

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