Section - 11
[Marks: 20]
Q-1: Explain the four social problems ofl arge cities?
Q-2: Attempt any three parts. Allc arry equal marks.
How U-shaped valleys are created?
What is the difference between river plain and coastal plain?
Write any two advantages of planned cities.
How can we overcome with the problem caused by the pollution,

ans a Some of the major problems of urbanisation in India are 1. Urban Sprawl 2. Overcrowding 3. Housing 4. Unemployment 5. Slums and Squatter Settlements 6. Transport 7. Water 8. Sewerage Problems 9. Trash Disposal 10. Urban Crimes 11. Problem of Urban Pollution!
ans 2 a) Definition: U-shaped valleys form through glacial erosion. Glaciation develops in established v-shaped river valleys where the ice erodes the surrounding rocks to create a “U” shaped valley with a flat bottom and steep sides. Glacier movement is driven by gravity. When the glacier melts, the landscape is transformed and the U-shaped valleys are clearly visible. Although rivers are present in U-shaped valleys now, they did not create the landscape that we see.
ans 2 b) Western Coastal Plain Eastern Coastal Plain
1. These plains have narrow margin interspersed by hilly terrain. 1. These are wide plains with well-developed deltas.
2. These plains lie in between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats. 2. These plains lie in between the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern Ghats.
3. The coast has beautiful lagoons in the Malabar coastal area. 3. The east coast has well formed deltas.
4. Major rivers are the Tapi, Narmada, Mandovi and Nuari. 4. Major rivers are Mahanadi, Godavari, Kaveri and Krishna.
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