English, asked by shivaanshmathur, 5 months ago

Section A (Reading)

Q1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:1x5=5

1.In ancient North Africa there lived a chief. He was very rich but he was not happy. He thought , “I have everything but that does not make me happy. What must I do to be happy? I don’t know.”

2. One of his servants said, “ Oh, my chief! Look at the sky! How beautiful the moon and the stars are! Look at them ,and you will see how good life is. That will make you happier.”

3.Then another servant said,” Oh, my chief! What about music? Music makes a man happy. We shall play music to you from morning till night, and music will make you happy.”

4.The Chief’s face became red with anger on such silly ideas.

5. Then one of the servants came back to his room and said.” You must find a happy man, take his shirt and put it on. Then his happiness will go into your body and you will be happy as he!”

6. “I like your idea,”said the Chief. He sent his soldiers all over the country to look for a happy man.

7. One day the soldiers found a man in a small village who said, “ I am the happiest man in the world.”He was poor, but he always smiled and sang. The soldiers brought him to the chief. A small dark man with a happy smile walked in. “Come here, my friend!”said the Chief. “Please take off your shirt!”

8. The little smiling man came up to the Chief. The Chief looked at him and saw- What did he see?

The happy man, the happiest man in the world, had no shirt!

9. When the chief saw this, he realised that happiness cannot be borrowed or lent. A person rich or poor can only be happy if he wants to be.

a) What did the Chief want?

i)To be richer than ever before

ii) to be a happy man

iii)To have more children

b) Why did the Chief’s face become red with anger?

i)Because he hated music

ii) because he hated being given advice

iii)Because he found looking at the stars was simply wasting time

c) “Then one of the servants came back. ‘What did he suggest to the Chief to become happy?

i)to find a happy man

ii) to get into the body of a happy man

iii) to wear the shirt of a happy man

d) Why was the Chief amazed on seeing the happiest man before him?

i)He was small and dark

ii) he had no shirt on him

iii) he smiled and sang songs

e) Which phrase is the opposite of ‘put on’?

i)Go into

ii) look for

iii)Take off

Q2.Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow: (1x5=5)

A Mother Like You

by Hannah

For all the times you've been there

from the day I was born

You've always given me courage

to do as I perform.

You call to say hello

you send me notes to say you care

And when we are together

a special moment is shared.

For the many things you've done

for all the times you were there

Helps me to know deep down

how much you really care.

Even though I might not say it,

I really appreciate all you do

So powerfully blessed is how I feel

for having a mother like you.

a) The poet's mother had been in her life

From the day she was born

From the day she started performing activities

From the day she started speaking the first word

b) What happens when the mother and the daughter are together?

Work gets easily done

A special moment is shared

Both say 'Hello' to each other

c) The poet realizes from the efforts done by the mother that

her mother does all her work

her mother is a brave lady

her mother really cares for her

d) The poet really appreciates

all work that is done by her mother

the powerful blessings of her mother

the courage of her mother

e) The word 'appreciate' in the last stanza means




SECTION B- Grammar

Q3. Fill in the blanks with suitable degrees of adjectives:(1x3=3)

a) She is ______________ than her sister.

more pretty



b) My mother bakes the ________ cake.




Correct answer


c) Who is the__________ famous singer in your country?


more famous

most famous

Q4. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. ( 1x2=2)

a) Rameshwar is _____ university student.




b) My neighbour is ______ European man.




Q5. Select whether the verb is transitive or intransitive in the given sentences: (1x3=3)

a) Mohan gifted me chocolates on my birthday.



b) They served me hot tea.



c) Ravi is playing in the field.




Answered by aryankhirwar8


question 1.

a) to be a happy mam

b) because he hated being given advice

c) to find a happy man

d) he had no shirt on him

e) take off

question 2.

a) from the day she was born

b) a special moment is shared

c) her mother really care of her

d) the powerful blessings of her mother

e) admire


section B


a) more pretty

b) better

c) most famous


a) an

b) the


a) intransitive

b) transitive

c) transitive

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