English, asked by ruhi19735, 5 months ago

Section B
A Collection of Poems
Q4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
And then the old man shook his head,
And with a natural sigh
"This some poor fellow's skull," said he,
"Who fell in the great victory."
(After Blenheim, Robert Southey)
B 90
Who is the old man? What causes him to sigh?
What incident prompted the old man to give an account of the Battle of
How did the battle affect the old man's family?
Name the two countries that fought each other in the battle. Which army won?
What reason does the old man give for the victory?
Point out the refrain in the poern. What effect does the refrain have on the
reader? What do you think is the poet's attitude to war?


Answered by christina122


(i) The old man is Kaspar who was sitting in the sun before his cottage door because his work was done and it was a summer evening.

(ii) When Old Kasper so that his grandson had found a large round Skull he took it from him and shook his head and said that this is some poor fellow's skull who fell in the "Great Victory". This made him to give an account of the battle of blenheim.


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