Science, asked by dg665087, 5 months ago

(a) the same
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Scientific/Practical skills:
In winters, the temperature of water in the sea is
than that of land.
(b) lower O (c) higher
which of the following is not associated with cyclones?
(d) none of these
(a) strong winds 0 (b) heavy rain 0 (c) storm
(d) volcanic eruption
which condition is not required to form a thunderstorm?
(a) moisture
(b) unstable air mass
(c) temperature
(d) none of these
Very Short Answer Questions:
What are the two stages of cyclone warnings?
List two situations that generate wind currents on the earth.


Answered by NSireesha


1} lower

2}volcanic eruption

3}none of these

4}The cyclone warnings are issued by IMD in four stages.

The First Stage warning known as “PRE CYCLONE WATCH” issued 72 hours in advance contains early warning about the development of a cyclonic disturbance and its likely intensification into a tropical cyclone.The Second Stage warning known as “CYCLONE ALERT” is issued at least 48 hrs. It contains information on the location and intensity of the storm, likely direction of its movement, intensification, coastal districts likely to experience adverse weather and advice to fishermen, general public, media and disaster managers.

5}Wind currents occur due to (a) uneven heating between the regions near the equator and the poles and the rotation of the earth and (b) uneven heating of land and water in coastal areas. The equatorial and tropical regions get hotter than the polar regions as they get maximum heat from the sun. The warm air at the equator rises, and the cold air moves in from the polar regions. The air moves due to uneven heating of the earth’s surface between the equator and poles, which results in the circulation of wind across the globe. But the wind flow is not in the exact north-south direction because a change in direction is caused by the rotation of the earth.

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