Section B
Answering the following
1. What is a node?
2. What is a topology?
3. Describe the network in your own words.
4. Write atleast three benefits of using a network.
5. Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
6. Write a short note on the hardware parts require
7. Explạin the major functions of operating system
8. Write the advantages and disadvantages of the
(a) star topology (b) ring topology
What do you mean by wireless communication explain any one popular wireless technology
Answered by
1】A nude person is not wearing any clothes.
2】A topology is the mathematical study of properties that are preserved through deformation, twisting, and stretching of objects.
3】A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources{such as printers and CDs}, exchange files, or allow electronic communications.
Two very common types of networks include:
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
4】Benifits of using a network are-
- Sharing device such as printers save money
- file can easily be shared between users
- Network user can easily communicate by email and instant messenger .
5】LAN →The full form of LAN is local area network . It is a network thaf is confied to a relatively small area .
WAN→The full form of WAN is Wide Area Network. It is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographical area for the primary purpose of computer networking.
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