English, asked by arpitthakur150, 8 months ago

Section - B
(By writo a short paragraph an effect of Music
help of the words given
with the
Humar mind -heart
soothing - courage - cheerfulnes
madness - wild animals delight-- incapable​


Answered by sanjeevinidhammur


Music affects our emotions. When we listen to sad songs, we tend to feel a decline in mood. When we listen to happy songs, we feel happier. Upbeat songs with energetic riffs and fast-paced rhythms (such as those we hear at sporting events) tend to make us excited and pumped up

Answered by radhamann1986


Music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self. 

Music is a part of all of our lives, from when we’re growing up to when we’re old. We grow up to the sound of our mothers singing us lullabies so that we’d go to sleep. Music is one of the most calming and soothing things if you let it be. It comes from melodies and tunes strung together by people who sing and play musical instruments. The power of music shows in the simplest of things, such as when you absentmindedly tap your foot to a beat or hum a tune unknowingly.

Music is not only created by people, but it is also all around us in nature. In the mornings, when the crickets and the birds chirp, it is music. The loud sound of the waves in the ocean swishing, the whistle in the wind, and the sound of trees and leaves rustling are all their own forms of music

Hope it is helpful


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