21. Democracy is possible only if the elections are free and fair. Justify this statement.
Reaffirming the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which
establish that the authority to govern shall be based on the will of the people
as expressed in periodic and genuine elections,
Acknowledging and endorsing the fundamental principles relating to
periodic free and fair elections that have been recognized by States in universal
and regional human rights instruments, including the right of everyone to take
part in the government of his or her country directly or indirectly through
freely chosen representatives, to vote in such elections by secret ballot, to have
an equal opportunity to become a candidate for election, and to put forward
his or her political views, individually or in association with others,
Conscious of the fact that each State has the sovereign right, in
accordance with the will of its people, freely to choose and develop its own
political, social, economic and cultural systems without interference by other
States in strict conformity with the United Nations Charter,
Wishing to promote the establishment of democratic, pluralist systems
of representative government throughout the world,
Recognizing that the establishment and strengthening of democratic
processes and institutions is the common responsibility of governments, the
electorate and organized political forces, that periodic and genuine elections
are a necessary and indispensable element of sustained efforts to protect the
rights and interests of the governed and that, as a matter of practical experience,
the right of everyone to take part in the government of his or her country is a
crucial factor in the effective enjoyment by all of human rights and fundamental
Welcoming the expanding role of the United Nations, the Inter-
Parliamentary Union, regional organizations and parliamentary assemblies,
and international and national non-governmental organizations in providing
electoral assistance at the request of governments,
Therefore adopts the following Declaration on Free and fair Elections,
and urges Governments and Parliaments throughout the world to be guided