English, asked by 1smm, 11 months ago

Section - C
* Answer the following questions
13) What happened to the authors aeroplane when he was in the middle of the dark stormy clouds?
14) How did mother help the young seagull to fly?

15) How did the narrator cure Tricky?
16) How does the tiger live in the cage ? where should he be according to the poet ?

1.1) How does the poet suggest that you identify the lion and the tigers when can you do so according to him?

all questions are from textbook of first flight std 10

pls don't give wrong or timepass ans tommoro is my exam so pls help me ​


Answered by jyotivaish1976


The black aeroplane


To make them believe of the mysteries that exist in this world.

To help them think critically whether such mysteries really exist.

To help them arrive at a conclusion if an aeroplane can fly and land safely even in an odd condition as mentioned in the lesson.

To enable the students share their personal experiences.

To enable them express themselves in grammatically correct language.

To sensitise the students to the feelings of an individual.

To enable the students think of an alternative ending to the story.

To enable them use new words and phrases in their own language.

Answered by hiteshnagrota1977


13 .The Black Aeroplane' is definitely a mystery story. When the pilot is flying towards his home in Dakota, suddenly he is surrounded by a storm. As his plane moved inside the dark clouds, his compass stopped working and he was not able to see anything

14.The mother seagull conceived of a plan; she broke a piece of meat from a fish and flew up to the ledge. But she did not go very lose to him. She kept hovering a little away from the ledge. The young seagull in an attempt to take food from his mother, fell from the ledge; this fall compelled him to open his wings.

15. The narrator cured Tricki by letting him to live a normal life and to mingle him with different dogs.

16.The poet thinks that the tiger should have been in the jungle, lurking in the shadow of long grass to prey on the deer near the water hole. He should also be on the outskirts of the jungle snarling around houses and terrifying villagers.

11 .The poet suggests that if a large and tawny beast in the jungle in the east advances towards us, then it is an Asian lion. We can identify it when it roars at us while we are dying with fear. When while roaming we come across a wild beast that is yellow in colour with black stripes, it is a Bengal tiger.

please thanks my 10 answer...

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