English, asked by ruby02528, 16 days ago

SECTION C ( Grammar
10 Marks
1) Fill in he blanks.
(1x 10 ) = 10 Marks
a) The masculine form of 'priestess' is
priest/ nun)
b) The feminine form of'gander' is
c) The fox is
animal. (foolish/clever)
way did Raman go ? ( Where / Which)
e) Honey is than sugar. ( sweeter / sweetest)
f) The leopard is the
runner among animals.(
fastest / faster
g) A lemon
sour.(smells/ tastes)
h) The Indian soldiers fought
(bravely/ brave)
i) She came and sat
me. (besides/beside)
j)I like him
he is helpful. (until/ because)​


Answered by purple167


  • priest
  • goose
  • clever
  • which
  • fastest
  • tastes
  • bravely
  • besides
  • because

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