English, asked by skkashyap3649, 3 months ago

Section C
Q.20 Prove that the path of the projectile is a parabola and find time of
maximum height and time of flight.
2.21 Derive kinematic Equations for uniformly accelerated motion.
2.22 We measure the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum. In
successive measurements the readings turn out to be 2.63, 2.56 ,2.42,
2.71 and 2.80 second. calculate the absolute errors , relatives error or
percentage error.
.23.What do you mean by measurement, define unit and write international
system of unit.​


Answered by nnalina84


ਧਛਟਰਠਧਸਧਗਹਟਹ। ਜਠਠਧਫਹਫ੍ਰ। ਝਫਫਫਫ੍ਜ੍ਹ੍ਰਹਧ੍ਰਪਛਬੲਬਹਜਨਵਠਸ। ਹ।

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