English, asked by REDQUESTION, 5 months ago


         Instructions: Fill out the blanks with the correct vocabulary words. Choose the letter of your answer.

A. cluttered    B. haze        C. ripples    D. twitched    E. torrent    F. garlands   

11. The dirt roads will turn into ________, stopping the relief trucks from getting through.

12. Sometimes she wears a _________ of flowers on her head, ears of corn and poppy-heads in her hand, symbolical of a prosperous harvest.

13. The water _______ from boats in the distance.

14.  The house where Victor lives with Dolly is _________ with years of accumulated junk.

15. Everybody got _______ when they joined the platoon.

16. The corner of her mouth _________.

A. brimmed     B. frolicked    C. periscope        D. sullen    E. monument    F. clamber

17. His heart jumped in his chest when he saw that the port flank of the SHOKAKU, barely 300 yards away, filled the field of view of his _________.

18. The young girls _________ beneath the eyes of the nuns; the gaze of impeccability does not embarrass innocence.

19. They would have to __________ over the wreckage, and that would probably lead to more injuries.

20. At the top she whirled suddenly, her eyes ________, and lifted her hand to wave.

21. Instead of the Creator, they worship a _________ to.

22. Though the _________ years and the mark of pain.

A. chitter-chatter       B. lean        C. sprawling         D. bandstand        E. quivered      F. opponents

23. She had to contest against a very strong ________ for the championship.

24. Then keep the ________ to yourself.

25. His voice __________ with emotion, he sniffed and wiped his eyes and took some time to recover.

26. Whatever it was precipitated an avalanche of other objects which thundered down around him as Charles fell __________ to the ground.

27.  By the time they reached the __________ he was even more enthused with the charms of Miss Dawson.

28.  Tony was so tall that he had to _________ down to get through the doorway.

A. retort    B. detoured     C. rustled        D. hissed       E. wrinkling        F. vanity

29. He was booed and _________ during a stormy meeting.

30.  She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils __________ in distaste at the reek.

31.  Sabrina had none of the __________ so often associated with beautiful women.

32.  You will also need to keep your ________ to yourself - even if the person deserves a sharp wood.

33. Maria wore a layered white dress that _________ when she moved.

34. When the actual construction began, I _________ daily on my way to school to check out the progress being made.​


Answered by 123dhruvil36


English English English

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