Economy, asked by shrawankumarsingh246, 10 months ago

sector of Indian economy notes?​


Answered by MeghaUkinkar


• Division of economic activities:

➖ primary sectors: related to the farming activities

➖ secondary sectors: related to the manufacturing

➖ tertiary sector: provide supports to other two sector

hope u like❣️

Answered by kavitasingh1234


Indian economy plays an important role for the finance of people and the value of money compared to the dollar.

Sectors of the Indian economy :-

The most important factor for the Indian economy is industry of a different organisations for example industry of raw material such as iron ,cobalt etc.

The second important factor of Indian economy can be the work by the labours of India for the development of buildings.

Temples of India also plays in good role for the economic of the people crores of money are been invested by the people in the temple and this helps for the the development of the Nations.


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