English, asked by lakshmipsanthosh06, 8 months ago

seeing a bear coming he fled it is declarative?


Answered by tripathysoumya3


no.... its not declarative its affermative

Answered by mdreadulislam01



 Corona Virus refers to a class of viruses that infect mammals and birds.

Corona Virus causes respiratory infections in humans. The corona Virus

epidemic refers to the ongoing outbreak and rapid spread of the disease in

Bangladesh, which is currently part of the ongoing global epidemic.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a global epidemic caused by a

global outbreak. Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2), a contagious type of

bacterium that causes severe respiratory symptoms, is actually transmitted

from human to human. The epidemic of corona virus has weakened

Bangladesh's economy. At present, due to the Corona virus, it is not

possible to export any goods economically with other countries. Many

helpless people are not getting good food. The country's economic situation

as well as the death rate is slowly increasing. Since Bangladesh is a

densely populated country, the over population of this country is increasing

the fear of Corona Virus. For which it is becoming more difficult for the

government to make the country virus free. So we all need to be careful to

get rid of this Corona Virus. Must walk a safe distance and must use a face

mask. So, Stay home, safe life and also maintain the government rules.

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