Seema bought 16 chairs each at Rs700 and sold them all for Rs17920. What was the Precentage of the profit or loss ? Class 6
Total cost- 12000+6000 = Rs 18000
Profit table= 15% of 12000 = 1800
Loss chair = 10% of 6000 = -600
Total Profit= 1800–600 = 1200
Profit Percent= 1200/18000= 6.67%
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When selling price > cost price,
Profit = Selling price – Cost price
When cost price > selling price,
Loss = Cost price – Selling price
S. No.Cost price
(Rs)Selling price
(Rs)(1)560600SP − CP = 600 − 560 = 40 (2)450400 CP − SP = 450 − 400 = 50(3)300345SP − CP = 345 − 300 = 45 (4)785765 CP − SP = 785 − 765 = 20(5)51806000SP − CP = 6000 − 5180 = 820 (6)30503200SP − CP = 3200 − 3050 = 150 (7)86008520 CP − SP = 8600 − 8520 = 80