Physics, asked by ilavarasi3300, 8 months ago

Seema’s uncle was advised by his doctor to have an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of his brain. Her uncle felt it to be expensive and wanted to postpone it.
When Seema learnt about this, she took the help of her family and also approached the doctor, who also offered a substantial discount. She then convinced her uncle to undergo the test to enable the doctor to know the condition of his brain. The information thus obtained greatly helped the doctor to treat him properly.
Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question:
(a) What according to you are the values displayed by Seema, her family and the doctor?
(b) What could be the possible reason for MRI test to be so expensive?
(c) Assuming that MRI test was performed using a magnetic field of 0.1T, find the minimum and maximum values of the force that the magnetic field could exert on a proton (charge= 1.6× 10-19C) moving with a speed of 104m/s.


Answered by krakeshmfp123


this question answer is very long so I am not give you answer

Answered by AadilPradhan

● Given question-Seema's uncle was advised by the doctor to do MRI of tge vrain but he postponed as it is expensive.But then Seema with her family contacted the doctor and get a discount on MRI testing which helped the doctor to treat him properly.

●(a)• Seema is smart , intelligent and cares for her family.

•Her family is very supportive and

show courage to solve the

problem of their family.

•Doctor is very kind and show

empathy towards their patients.

●(b)MRI is expensive because

• it generate scans which are totally based on very small diffferences of magnetic properties of the body tissue instead of allowing penetration to X rays.

•It is also expensive because of high cost of its installment and maintenance.

●(c) Magnetic force =qvbsin θ

=1.6×10^19×104×0.1sin θ

For minimum force sin θ =zero


For maximum force sin θ = 1


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