Según la leyenda, cuando y como se fundó Roma? y según los datos que ha aportado la investigación histórica?
There are legendary stories about the origin of Rome involving the Greek Gods and kings. According to the ancient literary of Rome, it was founded by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus in 753BC.
Latin was ruled by Latino, who had a beautiful daughter, Lavinia and she was about to marry Turnus, of Rutuli. But Latino changed his mind, when Aeneas, a demigod arrived came at Larentum. He arranged for Lavinia to be mariied to Aeneas. This caused Turnus to declare war on Latin, in which Turnus was killed. Alba Longa, considered to the original town of Rome was founded by Ascanio, the son of Aeneas. Procas, one of thebest kings in the line of the kings of Alba Longa, has two sons Numitor and Amulio. Amulio imprisoned Numitor and became the king.
Later in history , the God Mars fell in love with a woman of Alba Longa and had two children, romulus and Remus. When they grew up, they learned about their birth, released Numitor, who happened to be their grandfather, killing Amulio and founded the city Rome.
The legend about the foundation of Rome relates to the origin of the town with the most outstanding characters of the time, and thus demonstrate that its massive success also had a special origin.
This story is very complete and the Roman tradition is based on it, this legend has several versions
With the Trojans defeated, the survivors under the command of the demigod hero Aeneas, set out to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach the coast of Lazio, it is assumed that they arrived at Laurentum,