Select a resource and speak on it . It is my speaking skills activity. So please write in simple words . I am scared of speaking., These are the following parameters for speaking given by my teacher .......
1} which resource I am ?
2} what type of resource I am?
3} what is my importance in indian
4} where I am available . { In map which state}
5} how long do I exist
6} were I am getting exhausted.
7} how you save me for future generations.
The time limit of speaking must be 3 - 4 minutes . Pls write in very simple language as i have fear In speaking in front of audience
3. Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of a global economy. Agriculture is the backbone of the economic system of a any country. In addition to providing food and raw material, agriculture also provides employment opportunities to very large percentage of the population. the economic importance of agriculture can be given as follows:
Source of Livelihood-
The main source livelihood of many people is agriculture. Approximately 70 % of the people directly rely on agriculture as a mean of living.
Contribution to National revenue-
Agriculture is the main source of national income for most developing countries.
Significance to the international trade-
Agricultural products like sugar, tea, rice, spices, tobacco, coffee etc. constitute the major items of exports of countries that rely on agriculture. This helps to reduce countries unfavorable balance of payments as well as saving foreign exchange. This amount may be well used to import other essential inputs, machinery, raw-material, and other infrastructure that is helpful for the support of country’s economic development.