Select appropriate command in LOGO
Command Abbreviations Output
PENUP PU Sets the turtle to move without drawing
PENDOWN PD Resets to a drawing pen when ordered to move
CLEARTEXT CT Clears all text in the command screen
CIRCLE repeat 360 [FD (desired length in number of pixels divided by 360) RT or LT 1] Makes a circle
MSW LOGO Commands
Command Description
PD Puts turtle's pen down on the screen so that the turtle can continue drawing.
PE Sets the turtle's pen to erase mode. After PE the FD and BK commands will erase the line.
PENNORMAL Sets the turtle to normal mode and cancels erase mode.
You can do simple calculations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in Logo by using the Print command. All the calculations can be done at the LOGO Prompt only in the Text Window.
The full form of logo stands for Language of graphics-oriented. The term LOGO is a symbol which is used to recognize a public identification of a brand or company. The logo can be an abstract design or a symbol which represents a wordmark.