Physics, asked by Alpha3002, 1 year ago

Select correct statement about the

formula (expression) of moment of

inertia (M.I.) in terms of mass M of

the object and some of its distance

parameter/s, such as R, L, etc.

(A) Different objects must have different

expressions for their M.I.

(B) When rotating about their central

axis, a hollow right circular cone and

a disc have the same expression for

the M.I.

(C) Expression for the M.I. for a

parallelepiped rotating about the

transverse axis passing through its

centre includes its depth.

(D) Expression for M.I. of a rod and

that of a plane sheet is the same

about a transverse axis.​


Answered by HarshdaGodase


A different object must have different expressions for ther M.I

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