Select the correct-
(1) Diatoms shows Haplotic life cycle
(2) Physarum is a slime mold
(3) Yeast is photosynthetic protist
(4) Keiselgurh forms by cell wall of
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Hey, I'll try to answer you question, no worries, feel free to point me out if I'm wrong or didn't understood something. So, here we go...
They are mostly marine and photosynthetic
They appear in different colors like red, green, yellow etc depending on their pigments
Cell wall consists of thick cellulosic plates
Locomotion is by two flagella, one longitudinally and the other transverse
They also release toxins which can kill marine beings if present in high quantities
Example: Gonyaulax (red dinoflagellate)
Its rapid multiplication leads to Red tides
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