English, asked by jameswilliams, 6 months ago

Select the correct summary statement that is also cited correctly. Nestor is trying to start an argument when he says, "Let kings be just, and sovereign power preside" (Homer, 19). Nestor is trying to start an argument when he says, "Let kings be just, and sovereign power preside" (Homer; 19). Nestor is trying to prevent an argument when he says, "Let kings be just, and sovereign power preside" (Homer 19). Nestor is trying to prevent an argument when he says, "Let kings be just, and sovereign power preside." (Homer 19)


Answered by anbupriyannagai



"It is certainly the noblest version of poetry that the world has ever seen," said

. Dr. Johnson, " and its publication must there- > fore be considered as one of the great events

i in the annals of Learning."

Pope was twenty-five when he began his translations of the Iliad thirty when he

finished. It lifted him at one bound to affluence and power. It was a remarkable experiment in publishing, and many of Pope's friends shook

their heads at his temerity in attempting to subscribe the work, almost single-handed, at the unheard-of price of six guineas for six quarto volumes, But in face of the greatest

difficulties not the least of which was the

increasing gibes of his political e

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