selection of project use of chemical fertilizers on evs
Abstract: Inappropriate use, handling and disposal of agrochemicals could have adverse health and environmental impact.This study was done in selected villages of a rural developmental block in Tamilnadu with the main objectives of assessing the knowledge and practices regarding storage, handling and disposal of routinely used agrochemicals; exploring the farmers’ perceptions of agrochemical use and its potential ill effects on health and to determine if commonly used agrochemicals have reached the water consumed by the local population. Methodology involved cross sectional survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and water sample testing.Of the 98 farmers interviewed 18.4% stored agrochemicals in their homes prior to usage. Thirty nine percent used bare hands to mix the chemicals, a third disposed empty sacs or tins of agrochemicals in the open and 43% reused containers/sacks to store materials at homes. Only 28% used adequate personal protective equipment while applying agrochemicals. Focus group discussion and key informant interviews revealed that awareness regarding health effects of chemicals was poor among the farmers. Except for phosphorous, all chemicals tested were below detectable levels in the ground water samples from both the study villages.The practice of storing, mixing and applying agrochemicals without personal protection and unsafe disposal of pesticide containers appears to be widely prevalent in the study villages. A comprehensive program for creating awareness for safe management, handling and disposal of pesticides among both users and shop keepers is required to address this important health and environmental problem Key words: agrochemicals, practices, pesticides, personal protective equipments, water contamination.
उर्वरक वे पदार्थ हैं जो अपनी उर्वरता को बढ़ाने के लिए मिट्टी में मिलाए जाते हैं, उर्वरक मिट्टी में पोषक तत्वों को जोड़ते हैं, पोषक तत्वों को उनके विकास के लिए पौधों द्वारा आवश्यक होता है।
विभिन्न प्रकार के उर्वरक हैं; कृत्रिम उर्वरकों को कृत्रिम उर्वरकों के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जो कि कारखाने में निर्मित होते हैं। इस प्रकार के अन्य प्रकार के उर्वरक अकार्बनिक उर्वरक हैं। ये उर्वरक हैं जो कि गोबर जैसे अकार्बनिक पदार्थों के अपघटन से बनते हैं और मानव अपशिष्ट के साथ-साथ घास या पौधे। रासायनिक उर्वरकों का पर्यावरण पर बहुत प्रभाव पड़ता है यदि उदाहरण के लिए अनुचित रूप से मिट्टी प्रदूषण और जल प्रदूषण के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं