Sociology, asked by dineshchopra9119181, 11 months ago

After reading the chapter. I know there points:
I know that Formula is a sequence of cell reference and mathematical functions
I know that Function is a built-in formula which is used to perform a calculation,
I know that by using Insert Function button, we can use advanced Excel functions,
. I know that Goal Seek feature helps to reach our goal by adjusting one of the
values of argument used for functions.
I know that Conditional Sum is used to add particular numbers in a field if the
conditions applied to them are fulfilled.
I know that a cell in a worksheet has a unique address, called cell reference.
A. Tick /] the correct answer.
Formula is a sequence of cell reference and operators to do calculation.​


Answered by Anonymous

bro l don't know.......

Answered by pdp27263


thank you very much dear....

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