Biology, asked by yashwarghade123, 6 months ago

How can we say that wool is a 'good insulator' of heat?​


Answered by anilkumarah72


Wool fibers are excellent in retaining heat even when wet. This is why it is superior to cotton and linens, which insulate well when dry, but fail to insulate significantly when moist/damp/soaked.

According to Wikipedia, Wool it is crimped and elastic, unlike hair and fur. A decent analogy is that wool fibers are little springs, whereas hair and fur are strings.

When liquid infiltrates fabric, it will wick the moisture, depending on its characteristics. Wool fibers, little kinked coils, will retain minute pockets of air. Straight fibers will be completely infiltrated, without these minute air bubbles.

Insulation is resistance to transmission of heat. Heat is transferred via conduction, convection, and radiation. The mini air pockets resist conduction, and since they are so small, convection is minimized. The wool itself “absorbs” radiant heat.

That's why Wool is one of the best natural insulators for heat.

Hope it helps

Answered by mmahajan


Actually, insulator means 'the susbstance which is bad conductor of heat or do not let heat pass through it'. And we wear woolen clothes to not feel cold and heat do not directly pass throught it so it is good insulator or bad conductor of heat.

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