semi-feudal economy characteristics
A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.
Jurisdiction in the courts of a particular state may be determined by the location of real property in a state (in rem jurisdiction), or whether the parties are located within the state (in personam jurisdiction). ... Thus, any state court may have jurisdiction over a matter, but the "venue" is in a particular county.Jurisdiction. Constitutional Court. The highest court on all constitutional matters. Matters are referred to it from the Supreme Court of Appeal or the High Court. Certain constitutional matters are reserved for exclusive jurisdiction of this court.There are three types of jurisdictions:
Original Jurisdiction– the court that gets to hear the case first. ...
Appellate Jurisdiction– the power for a higher court to review a lower courts decision. ...
Exclusive Jurisdiction– only that court can hear a specific case.