send it l have test

Sub: Invite for Science and Craft Exhibition
Dear (Name),
Hope so you are fine and bear good health.I am writing to you all because the school is having a school science and art exhibition. All of the kids are being asked to contribute to make this an amazing event. We have prizes for the three winners and even for everyone who participate. The school would much appreciate if all of the parents could make it to come it will help give your kids moral support and help the school. My purpose to write this letter is to inform you about upcoming science and craft exhibition arranged by our school (Name) next week dated (DD/MM/YY). In this exhibition, students take part in different models of science and art.
All of my friends are very excited and preparing themselves for the upcoming event. It will be my pleasure if you visit this wonderful event we will enjoy and learn through visiting different stalls.
I will wait for your reply,
Your name…