English, asked by kalpanachy7855, 8 months ago

Senior citizens are the store house of knowleda
of the past - Justity


Answered by saniya21082005

There is Knowledge

and there is Experience

Knowledge covers information, skills, and abilities

and is broadly similar for everyone in similar fields

That is, two people doing the same job for the same time, in the same place would mainly have the same knowledge

There will always be people following the same path as you who have more or less the same knowledge that you

Experience is more of how you survive

How do you deal with problems, emergencies, and the pressures of life?

If you are young then you may have the same knowledge as an older person, but not the same experience

What might be a simple and obvious solution to a problem to a young person might look risky to a more experienced person

The situation is that the older person might say ‘In my experience there is a chance this will go wrong, and the consequences could be bad if it does’

The younger person might say ‘But you don’t know for sure if it will go wrong, and it might be that you only do things the way you are used to’

In regard to the question, our knowledge might be much the same but our experiences with that knowledge may be considerably different, so listening to an older person is not necessarily that they have the right answer to a problem, but they have experience to call on, and that will be a viewpoint to consider before taking action....

... ........ Hope it helped you ☺️ ...........

Answered by pritisahare


I once worked with a man who boasted of his twenty-five years’ experience on the job. In fact, he had learned very little after the first few months, and his experience was nothing that a newcomer couldn’t have picked up in a very short time.

So it is with old people. Some have a wealth of knowledge and experience, some would do well to learn from their juniors who may have put their fewer years to better use.

Age does not guarantee anything. So many of us are like my friend who stopped learning far too soon.

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