Sentences with - lonely,spotted, distance, survive, exclaimed,excellent, sneaked.
LONELY: She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
SPOTTED: She was wearing a black and a white spotted dress.
DISTANCE: He travels quite a distance to work every day.
SURVIVE: The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.
EXCLAIMED: "You can't leave now!" she exclaimed.
EXCELLENT: Her car is in excellent condition.
SNEAKED: I managed to sneak in through the back door while she wasn't looking.
Follow meh.... ♥
Lonely: It gets lonely, staying at home all by myself.
Spotted: I had spotted your pink purse in Jessie's pocket.
Distance: It is really hard to not be depressed having a long distance best friend.
survive: If I can survive this torture then I will survive that too.
exclaimed: She sorrowfully exclaimed her pets death to her friends.
excellent: Sarah was proud of her daughter for doing an excellent job.
sneaked: Aelin sneaked past her house without being caught as she came late from the party.
Hope it helps :)