English, asked by ac056519, 20 days ago

separates the integral and fractional part.​


Answered by dev534332


How to separate for example 12.345 into its integral part and fractional part? like integral part is 12 and fractional part is 0.345 in C++?


It's really simple.

Just go with your own given example.

double n = 12.345;


/ \

/ \

12. 0.345

As you can see for integer part you have to skip part after decimal point.

For this you can typecast your `double` or `float` to `int`

Typecast it and store in a variable.

int integer_part=(int)n;

Next the fractional part can be obtained by dividing integer part from fractional number.

12.345 - 12 =0.345;

For this

double fractional_part = n - integer_part;

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