Biology, asked by anandraj848201, 8 months ago

Sequence of development of the tissues can be clearly seen in which microscope slide preparation made from root of a bean seedling? A. Squash preparation of the terminal 3 mm. B. teased out macerated tissue of terminus IN mm. C. transverse section through the root hair region D. longitudinal section​


Answered by rohitsharma2k613


The  microscope  is  an  essential  in-strument for modern biological stud-ies in schools, colleges and universi-ties. The well prepared microscopeslide is a most important means ofdemonstration which can be exam-ined  at  different  magnifications  sothat increasing amount of detail canbe resolved. In this sense it is inex-haustible.LIEDER  PREMIUM  PREPAREDMICROSCOPE  SLIDES  are  madein our laboratories in Ludwigsburg/Germany under rigourous scientificcontrol. They are the product of long experience combined with the most up to datetechniques.The prerequisite for excellent preparations is good material, well preserved and fixedso that the finer structures are retained in as life-like a way as possible. Microtomesections are cut from this material by our highly skilled and experienced staff. Theyare of a thickness which will finally result in slides from which the maximum reso-lution of the structural components can be obtained.Particular  attention  is  paid  to  the  staining  technique  and  in  each  case  the  selectedmethod  for  a  particular  specimen  will  ensure  the  best  possible  differentiation  com-bined with clear definition and permanency of staining.LIEDER  prepared  microscope  slides  are delivered on best glasses with fine groundedges of the size 26 x 76 mm (1'’ x 3'’) and are mailed in solid boxes of different sizesand prices. Further information is available in the enclosed price-list.The procurement and processing of the original material for some preparations pre-sents special problems. For this reason, these preparations can often only be manufac-tured in small quantities entailing a longer delivery period. This applies particularlyto the preparations marked with an asterisk * in the catalogue, for which we can notguarantee delivery.All the slides can be purchased either in complete sets or series or individually. Wereserve the right to make minor alterations to the sets and compilations.New  sets  for  GEOLOGY  consisting  of  rocks  and  minerals  ground  thin  arelisted  on  page  46.  We  will  gladly  make  special  offers  for  any  slides  or  setswhich are not listed in our catalogue.Abbreviations:t.s.   transverse or cross section       l.s.   longitudinal section       w.m.   whole mount or entire specim


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