Science, asked by sanjanab810, 3 months ago

Set of instructions specified in a programming language is called _____________.
Memory B) Program C) Both a&b D) None of the

The data that is given to the computer for computation is called _____________.
Input B) Output C) Neither a nor b D) Both a and b

Binary number consists of _______
0 and 1 B) 0 and 2 C) 0 and 3 D) 0 and 4

C was developed by ______
Bjarne Stroutstrp B) Dennis Ritchie C) Ken Thompson D)

Linus Torvalds
Which of the following is not a Keyword in C ?
Int B) if C) data D) float

The prototype of the function in the header file is__________.
stdio.h B) stdlib.h C) conio.h D) io.h

String concatenation means _____________.
Combining two strings B) Extracting a substring out of a string C) Partitioning the string into two strings D) Merging two strings

Which header file is essential for using strcmp() function?
String.h B) Strings.h C) Text.h D) Strcmp.h

What will be the size of above array element? Int a[20];
22 B) 19 C) 20 D) 21​


Answered by shikharmat


1· (b) Program

2· (a) Input

3· (a) 0 and 1

4· (_) _____

5· (c) Data

6· (a) stdio.h

7· (d) Merging two strings

8· (a) string.h

9· (c) 20

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