Biology, asked by Akshita2004, 11 months ago

set the fire of a 448 is modelled in the form of circle understand


Answered by ChiragMeher

The most basic definition of the surface of a sphere is "the set of points an equal distance (called the radius) from a single point called the center". Or as a function of 3 space coordinates (x,y,z), all the points satisfying the following lie on a sphere of radius r centered at the origin

x2 + y2 + z2 = r2

For a sphere centered at a point (xo,yo,zo) the equation is simply

(x - xo)2 + (y - yo)2 + (z - zo)2 = r2

If the expression on the left is less than r2then the point (x,y,z) is on the interior of the sphere, if greater than r2 it is on the exterior of the sphere.

A sphere may be defined parametrically in terms of (u,v)

x = xo + r cos(phi) cos(theta)
y = yo + r cos(phi) sin(theta)
z = zo + r sin(phi)

Where 0 <= theta < 2 pi, and -pi/2 <= phi <= pi/2. The convention in common usage is for lines of constant theta to run from one pole (phi = -pi/2 for the south pole) to the other pole (phi = pi/2 for the north pole) and are usually referred to as lines of longitude. Lines of constant phi are often referred to as lines of latitude, for example the equator is at phi = 0.

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