Hindi, asked by Sindhudevi5915, 1 year ago

Seven colors of the rainbow and what each one represents in hindi


Answered by anuragpandey8582


VIBGYOR (वायलेट-इंडिगो-ब्लू-ग्रीन-येलो-ऑरेंज-रेड) पारंपरिक ऑप्टिकल स्पेक्ट्रम को याद रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक लोकप्रिय एमनेमिक उपकरण है। VIBGYOR संदर्भित कर सकता है: ROYGBIV, VIBGYOR का सटीक उल्टा; आमतौर पर एक इंद्रधनुष बनाने के रूप में वर्णित hues के अनुक्रम।

Answered by shruti7357

Here is your answer:

The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon; knowing the significance of each of the colors of the rainbow makes it even more beautiful. While Nature or God has created this glorious natural phenomenon; philosophers have given a meaning to its colors.

Every rainbow has seven colors beginning with red and ending with violet or purple. To remember the order of these colors, people use the acronym ROY G. BIV or VIBGYOR which stands for Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.

The Bible and the colors of the rainbow

We cannot talk about the significance of colors of the rainbow without mentioning the Bible. It is believed that “rainbow is a sign from the Almighty that we are not forgotten”. It is mentioned in the story of Noah’s Ark; after God appeared before Noah following the flood, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky signifying his Glory and Power as well as His Covenant.

In the Bible, Rainbow is mentioned in The Genesis, The Revelation and also Book of Ezekiel.

In Genesis, it is described as a sign of God’s Mercy as well as the pact/covenant He made with Noah that such a flood would not be sent again.

In Ezekiel 1:26-28, colors of the rainbow are compared to the glory of God while in Revelation; Apostle John compares the rainbow colors to the glory or power of God.

Noah teaches Mankind the Seven Basic rules to adhere to conforming to the Seven Colors of The Rainbow:

Thou shall not worship Idols

Thou shall not Blaspheme

Thou shall not murder

Thou shall not have immoral relationships

Thou shall not steal

Thou shall Respect all Living Creatures

Thou Shall Set up Courts of Law

These are termed as Noahide Laws and the seven colors of the rainbow remind us of our obligation to them.

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