sewage and drainage problem for letter to the editor
The Editor The Hindu City.... October 17, 2016 Sub: Poor Drainage in rainy season. Sir I write to you to express my concern over the issue of poor drainage in the city during the rainy season, which causes much inconvenience to the residents. This rainy season our city had copious rainfall. The entire state was flooded. Our city was no exception. You will be shocked to know even after almost a month of the rainfall, the rainwater has not been drained. The simple reason behind this flooding of the city roads is poor drainage system. The high areas are clear and clean. The rain water has been drained from there. The problem is with the low areas, where the drainage system has been faulty. The PWD department’s inefficiency has been exposed. The stagnated water has been causing serious health issues. Malaria, dengue, chikanguniya, apart from stink and travelling problems have made the life of Shastri Nagar residents literal hell. The state government’s apathy to the ongoing problems is outrageously shocking. Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I appeal to the concerned central government ministry to look into the matter and expedite the relief measures for the affected residents. I am hopeful you will give suitable place to my letter in your esteemed daily. Yours truly, Read more on -