Hindi, asked by jitendrachandravansh, 11 months ago

श्न-10 देशीय एवं विदेशीय उत्पादन इकाइयों में भेद कीजिए।


Answered by m1dino


New Delhi: Foreign investors are withdrawing money from many companies. Foreign investors sold heavily in the June quarter. But select companies seem to be beating this trend. Domestic institutional investors have kept the shares of many companies from declining.

Due to the stress and weak economic signals of the trade war, foreign institutional investors sold Rs 20,000 crore during April to June, while domestic mutual fund houses invested Rs 35,000 crore to support the market.

According to Ace Equity data, mutual fund houses increased their stake in about 260 companies of the BSE 500 index during the June quarter. Of these, 66 companies also attracted foreign investors.

Mutual funds and foreign investors increased their investment in companies of many sectors. This includes auto parts, government banks, private banks, cement, chemical, graphite electrode, IT, pharma and power companies. There was a bumper investment in both graphite electrode companies, HEG and Graphite India.


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