shall we design a poster in gimp. what are the preparations to done before designing a poster
can you please tell the topic of poster making I will tell you how you should make
Text Portrait Posters are really cool projects that combine images and text to create powerful, oftentimes dramatic statements that neither medium could create on their own. They can be used for movie, motivational, political, or fan posters.
I decided recently to make a video tutorial on how to create one of these portrait posters using GIMP, the free graphic design software comparable to Photoshop. Turns out that this tutorial is useful for a variety of reasons outside of designing a cool poster. There are photo editing techniques, such as adjusting the saturation, levels and sharpness of an image, as well as text effects that allow you to add dimension to your compositions. I also go over a few shortcuts that should help speed up your workflow when working in this program.