English, asked by ng2553569, 3 months ago

Amiliated to C.I.S.C.E, New Delhi-
Nagadi Main Road, Sunkadakate, Bangalore-
Mid term examination 2020-21
Subject :English Language
Grade: V
Max Marks: 4
I Do as directed
1. Rewrde these sentences changing the singular nouns to their plural id
a. Mango grow on a tree
b. Very young child is called a baby
2. Choose the correct preposition,
from the bracket
a. I go to school__ bus everyday
b. She dived _ the swimming pool. (into / in)
3. Underline the preposition, and
write whether they are
preposition of time,
Place or movement.
The dog is sitting behind the chair
b. I lost my cap during the lunch break.
4. Write whether the underlined
words are possessive adjective or
possessive pronouns
Innt me his hat.​


Answered by DikshithP


A paragraph is a group of words put together to form a group that is usually longer than a sentence. Paragraphs are often made up of several sentences. There are usually between three and eight sentences. ... This topic sentence of the paragraph tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.

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