English, asked by UNKNOWN3615, 11 months ago

share some funny moments in your life


Answered by GaganPannu

We were in class . Four friends sitting on the last desk. One of our friend's pen was leaked and our hands were filled with the gel. He asked us that if his face is clear or not . We said OMG it's filled with ink . He went to teacher and asked her for going to wash his face . Mam said there is no ink on your face . He came back to us . My another friend patted him on his cheeks and said sorry ( as I told you earlier our hands were filled with ink ) . Next period It was Recess , we told him that your face is filled with ink but he refused to believe . He went down in the ground with that inky face . Everyone was laughing at him . He thought that the girls are giving him smile . It was difficult for us to control our laughter that time. Teacher told him that His face is filled with ink .

He didn't talked with us for two days.

Answered by anitajadhavprajapati

This happened when I was in second year of my engineering and let me tell you that my college was considered as one of the strictest college when it comes to bunking the college. Bunking from my college was not less than breaking out from Tihar jail back then.

Now coming to the day when me and two of my friends Surya and Bana Ji (not his actual name but it is mostly used to designate people belonging to rajput community) decided to bunk our college. As planned we climbed the college wall and jumped to the other side and finally got away without being seen and noticed. As our college was situated very far away from the city, there were no means of transportation other than the college bus or own vehicle but as we were not having any of them, so we started walking towards the highway, from where we can get some ride. Now when we were walking towards the highway we saw a van (Maruti Omni- The car used for kidnapping in most of the bollywood movies) coming from behind and was heading towards the highway. We stopped him and asked him for lift and he surprisingly agreed immediately. We all hopped in and grabbed the back seat and were very happy and relaxed as the driver agreed to drop us to the nearby bus stop which was not actually that near but from there we can get the bus to our final destination.

When I and Surya were busy in thanking and praising our luck, Bana Ji was continuously trying to get our attention towards something by continuously pointing towards it and finally when we saw, it was nothing other than a bundle of our college prospectus and by the time we noticed it driver had already taken a U-turn back towards the college. Yes it was one of the college vehicles which we got to know really late.

At the time when our hearts were literally in our mouths came the million dollar advice from none other than Bana Ji “Bhai college jakar fine bharne se to achha hai gate kholkar kood jate hai” (Translation- It’s better to just open the gate and jump off than to go back to college and pay the fine). As the idea came from Bana Ji’s mind so we asked him to be the first one to jump and just in a time frame of few seconds we saw van’s gate opening, Bana Ji jumping and rolling on the side road as he was not able to land on his feet. Driver also saw all this happening in the rear view mirror and immediately stopped the car and rushed towards Bana Ji. By the time he reached near him, Bana Ji was on his feet and started running into the nearby farms and by then we both also got out from the van and started running in the opposite direction. After reaching a safe distance we turned back and saw that van was gone and Bana Ji was fine and we continued walking towards the highway. We bunked the college few more time but never asked for lift from anybody on the way again.

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