English, asked by nazmanazir88, 12 days ago

She does not like my singing. make it passive​


Answered by vansh2103


My singing is not liked by her


hope it will help you

Answered by garimasingh143

pssive \: voice =  > my \: singing \: is \: not \: liked \: by \: her

How to Change Active Voice to Passive Voice

Voice is the form of a verb which shows whether the subject does something or has something done to it. In this way there are two voices in English:

Active Voice.

Passive Voice.

Let us deal with these in some detail.

The Active Voice

A Verb is in the Active Voice, when its subject does something: as,

I play hockey.

Do you not play hockey?

They do not play hockey.

She ate mangoes.

He will buy this house.

In above sentences, the subject [I, you, they, she, he] is doing something. Their verbs are, therefore, said to be in the Active Voice.

The Passive Voice

A Verb is in the Passive Voice, when something is done to its Subject; as,

Hockey is played by me.

Is hockey not played by you?

Hockey is not played by them.

Mangoes were eaten by her.

This house will be bought by him.

In above sentences, the subject [hockey, mangoes, house] is acted upon. They remain inactive or passive and their Verb are, therefore, said to be in the Passive Voice.

Change Active Voice to Passive Voice

The sentences given below have been changed from Active Voice into Passive Voice. Read them carefully to understand how the change in each case takes place.

I like mangoes. (Active Voice)

Mangoes are liked by me. (Passive Voice)

Do you like mangoes? (Active Voice)

Are mangoes liked by you? (Passive Voice)

My mother loves me. (Active Voice)

I am loved by my mother. (Passive Voice)

They do not like her. (Active Voice)

She is not liked by them. (Passive Voice)

She bought a book. (Active Voice)

A book was bought by her. (Passive Voice)

He ate five apples. (Active Voice)

Five apples were eaten by him. (Passive Voice)

We shall play hockey. (Active Voice)

Hokey will be played by us. (Passive Voice)

Who beat you? (Active Voice)

By whom are you beaten? (Passive Voice)

You will not beat her. (Active Voice)

She will not be beaten by you. (Passive Voice)

She is singing a song. (Active Voice)

A song is being sung by her. (Passive Voice)

He is selling mangoes. (Active Voice)

Mangoes are being sold by him. (Passive Voice)

You are cheating me. (Active Voice)

I am being cheated by you. (Passive Voice)

He was telling a lie. (Active Voice)

A lie was being told by him. (Passive Voice)

We were doing sums. (Active Voice)

Sums were being done by us. (Passive Voice)

I have bought a house. (Active Voice)

A house has been bought by me. (Passive Voice)

He has kept pigeons. (Active Voice)

Pigeons have been kept by him. (Passive Voice)

She had lost nothing. (Active Voice)

Nothing had been lost by her. (Passive Voice)

We shall have killed the snake. (Active Voice)

The snake will have been killed by us. (Passive Voice)

She will have praised me. (Active Voice)

I shall have been praised by her.(Passive Voice)

When a sentence is changed from the Active into Passive Voice, the following changes take place:

The subject becomes the object; and the object, the subject.

The principal verb is changed in to the past participle (if it is not already in that form).

The principal verb is preceded by some form of the verb be.

The preposition by is placed before the object.

The following examples show the different forms of the passive voice in different tenses:

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