she plays a very important role in our life.......... our mother

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yes u r right
no one can take the place of mother
nd it art is really nice
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Hloooo, dear frnddd......hw r u????
Hope u r finee.....
u r absolutely rightttt,... major part of our life was handling by our motherss....They know every problems and crisis faced by each and every one in her familyyyy, for a child her best frnd, teacher, enemy, god and everything is hhim/her mother, wthout them a family is big zerooo..They also have emotions, but they won't think abt ittt, at that time also, mithers are thinking about the emotions of her family members.
A mother is a symbol of strength, who holds the entire family members together.she is a caring person, who showers love & affection on all the members of my family..
A mother's luv is like nothing else in the worlddd...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️There is no ending for the luv of a motherr..... i am jst concluding itttt.....Thank u frndd, have a gud dayy...byee.
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